Steps to Install Gradle


Gradle is a Groovy-based DSL (versus the traditional XML-based) build automation tool. It makes use of Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to determine the order in which tasks are to be run.

For a detailed understanding, please read the wiki entry.

Steps to Install

1) Java 1.5 or above should be installed. Please verify this using the java -version command. If Java is installed, you should see the version; else java is unidentified command message will appear

2) Download the latest binaries from the gradle website.



3) Unzip the gradle-<version> contents to your favorite folder – say – /User/gradle

4) For Mac, modify the PATH variable in .profile file to include gradle.

export PATH=/User/gradle/bin:$PATH

For Windows, modify the PATH variable in the Environment variables to include gradle.

(NOTE: If .profile does not exist, please create one)

5) On the Terminal (or command prompt), type gradle -version

If everything went well, the gradle version should appear.


MongoDB Installation Steps (MongoDB version: 2.4.6)

Recently I installed MongoDB on my mac OS Lion 10.7.5. Here are the steps which I followed

1) Download the latest production release of MongoDB from its site 



2) Un-package the downloaded file to your favorite place – say – /Users/mongo

3) From the Terminal goto /Users/mongo/bin

4) Create the following directory structure


5) Start the mongo server –

./mongod –dbpath data/db

Everything should start properly and the screen should show waiting for mongo shell.

Now you start another terminal & enter following command
